VARIETY FOODS: Semiya Payasam(Vermicelli payasam)


Semiya Payasam(Vermicelli payasam)


Vermicelli – 100 gm..
Sugar -according to ur taste
Cashew nuts-handful
Fresh milk-1 lit
Water-1/2 lit


Heat a pan and add ghee ..Then add vermicelli and fry it till light brown..(don`t fry too much )..In between boil 1/2 lit water …When the vermicelli is fried then add this to the boiled water and close the pot for 2 min and cook ..Then open the lid and stir occasionally..Once the vermicelli become soft then add sugar..Stir well ..Then add milk , mix well and cook  …Boil till the payasam get its consistency.. Then add fried cashew nuts ..If u want u can add powdered cardamom and raisins (fried).Then add a pinch of  salt…Your payasam is ready now …Can be served hot or cold ….(When cool if the payasam seems to be too thick then u can added boiled milk .)


From usual semiya payasam if u want a change u can add chopped banana(kadhali pazham or robust)…That will make the payasam more tastier..